
2023年4月28日 Jun Lu:Invasive Species’ utilisation and control in New Zealand


讲座题目:Invasive Species’ utilisation and control in New Zealand
主 讲 人:JUN LU(教授)
主 持 人:谢冰(教授)
讲座地址:闵行校区 资环楼273会议室
主办单位:凤凰彩票 、科技处


    Professor Jun Lu graduated with a BSc in Environmental Science from East China Normal University, and a MSc in Marine Biology and PhD in Cancer Pharmacology from the University of Auckland. His research interest includes food for health, natural compounds for biomedical use, diabetes risk identification, and biomedical treatment for cancer, heart failure and diabetic nephropathy. He has published more than 140 journal articles, many in top journals like Cancer Research, Clinical Cancer Research, Diabetologia, Food Chemistry, Carbohydrate Polymers, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, and Journal of Advanced Research. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Drug Discovery section of Biomedicines (Impact factor 4.8), an editorial board member of Biomolecules (Impact factor 6.1), an Associate Editor of Heliyon (Cell Press, impact factor 3.8), Frontiers in Nutrition (impact factor 6.6) and Frontiers in Pharmacology (impact factor 6.0). He is currently a full Professor in the Auckland Bioengineering Institute, the University of Auckland, New Zealand.


    The common solution for invasive species is eradication. When eradication cannot be achieved, utilization and control are viable alternatives. However, utilization requires scientific research to be done on those invasive species. I will give an example of invasive species (Undaria pinnatifida) utilization and control in New Zealand. I will also talk about the control of other invasive species, including carp, Canadian goose, deer and wild pig.