讲座题目:Blue carbon systems as coastal filters
主 讲 人:Christian J. Sanders 教授
主 持 人:陈雪初 教授
开始时间: 7月8日 9:00
讲座地址:闵行校区 资环楼269室
主办单位:凤凰彩票 、科技处
Professor Christian Sanders is a Marine Biogeochemist. His works involves the use of uranium and thorium series radionuclides to trace coastal processes. He is based at Southern Cross University’s National Marine Science Centre (NMSC), and is an internationally renowned scientist leading research into the importance of mangrove and saltmarsh in the oceanic carbon cycle, including their role in mitigating climate change. Sanders’ work focuses on the dynamics of sedimentation rates in marine systems, along with carbon and nutrient cycling in coastal wetlands. His current research interests are studying nutrient runoff and other pollutants in estuaries and coastal wetland systems around the globe.
Coastal blue carbon habitats perform many important environmental functions, including long-term carbon and anthropogenic contaminant storage. In this talk I will discuss some of the recent breakthroughs in blue carbon research including how sediment accumulation rates and carbon burial in these systems are related to sea level rise. As will be discussed, recent research shows that not only do blue carbon systems sequester carbon, they also filter many nutrients and pollutants such as heavy metals and pesticides, directly related to development in pace with sea level rise.