报告题目:Groundwater: An Important Factor in Freshwater Ecological Environments
主讲人:John Cherry
主持人:关小红 教授
讲座时间:11月1日 9:30
讲座地点:闵行校区 资环楼269
John Cherry博士是圭尔夫大学(University of Guelph)的兼职教授,野外重点地下水研究大学联合会的负责人,并担任G360地下水研究所的副主任。他是世界著名的水文地质学家,作为污染物水文地质学的开创者,他改变了地下水研究的科学模式。他早在1980年代已经建立的创新的Borden地下水野外研究基地,使来自世界各地的研究人员取得了许多重要的科学发现。Cherry博士所开发的地下水监测方法也已在许多国家使用,包括加拿大,巴西和美国。1979年,Cherry博士和Alan Freeze合作出版《地下水》一书,使许多学生对地下水有了深刻的理解,为了实现他向世界各地的学生和从业者提供地下水知识的初心,2020年8月,Cherry博士将启动一个有意义的公益项目,即与世界各地其他领先的地下水科学家合作,将地下水相关教科书免费供所有人使用。国际斯德哥尔摩水奖提名委员会在引证中说:“John Cherry博士获得了斯德哥尔摩水奖,以表彰他对科学、教育、实践的贡献,并传达我们对他将丰富的学识转化为对地下水热情而高效的研究工作。他的成果将引领政府当前和未来为保护地下水而制定的政策、法律和集体审议活动,这是我们最重要也迫切需要的资源。
Groundwater plays an essential yet often underappreciated role in sustaining freshwater ecosystems. This presentation delves into the critical importance of groundwater in regulating ecological stability, biodiversity, and water quality across freshwater environments. Groundwater provides a continuous flow of nutrients and stabilizes temperature, acting as a natural buffer against seasonal fluctuations and anthropogenic disturbances. However, excessive extraction, contamination, and climate change increasingly jeopardize these functions, altering the delicate balance required for healthy ecosystems. This talk will explore the interactions between groundwater and surface waters, discussing their combined influence on habitats, species diversity, and ecosystem services. We will examine case studies and recent research findings that highlight the vulnerability of groundwater reserves and the cascading effects of their depletion on freshwater ecosystems. Emphasis will be placed on the need for integrated water resource management, enhanced regulatory frameworks, and new research initiatives to protect groundwater resources and, by extension, freshwater ecological environments. Dr. Cherry will also propose strategies for future groundwater sustainability to support resilient freshwater ecosystems amid growing environmental pressures.